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OSCA - Ocean Somali Community Association
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BME School Governors Recruitment

BME School Governors Recruitment

OSCA formed a Somali School Governors forum in 2010 to provide a coherent voice for governors when making representation and a vehicle for expressing collective views of Governing Bodies on matters of common concern at local level.

The forum allows members to share concerns, discuss issues and policy, gain information and advice and learn from each other. As part of the forum, OSCA has identified gaps in terms of training needs and recruited more Somali governors.

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  • The e3 Project

    Saturday, 21 February 2015

    The e3 Project, funded by the Department of Communities and Local Government, is an innovative pilot project field testing the idea of utilising low-cost tablet computers, on-line resources and video-format storytelling to teach English and encourage community, civil and economic integration. 

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